If you feel pain in your foot when walking, running, or standing for a long time, you may have developed a heel spur. A heel spur is that nail-like growth in the heel bone that protrudes into the skin of the foot. This occurs because of plantar fasciitis, a condition where the plantar fascia that connects your heel bone to the ball of the foot gets worn out and inflamed. The plantar fascia's role is to support the foot's arch when one is on the move. This part receives all the force and weight that comes from the entire body when one walks, runs, jumps, or simply stands. When this thick tissue cannot handle the force brought upon it, it gets inflamed and most of the time results in a heel spur or plantar fasciitis, which is painful. A radiologist can see the growth of the spur through an X-ray. If this has been confirmed, your doctor can prescribe a few heel spur treatments to lessen the pain.